The Five-Finger Exercise
Touch your thumb to your index you do so go back to a time when your body felt healthy fatigue.....perhaps you had just engaged in an exhilarating physical activity.
Sit with that feeling relive it with all your senses.
Touch your thumb to your middle you do so; go back to a time when you had a loving experience. It may be may be a warm embrace.....or an intimate conversation.
Sit with that feeling relive it with all your senses.
Touch your thumb to your ring you do so; go back to the best compliment you have ever received. Try to really accept it now. By accepting it, you are showing high regard for person who said it. You are really paying him or her a compliment.
Sit with that feeling relive it with all your senses.
Touch your thumb to your little you do so; go back to the most beautiful place you have ever been.
Stay there for a while, absorbing its beauty. Relive it with all your senses.