Metta Meditation
Metta is a meditative exercise with the specific purpose of encouraging both physical and mental wellness for yourself and others. It does require dedicated time when you will not be disturbed.
Sit or lie in a quiet comfortable place
Take your awareness to your breathing
The tidal in and out of your Breath
Allow your breaths to slow and deepen
And as you do so, become aware of the feeling of calm stillness that settles over you
Now allow the out breath to become a little bit longer than the in breath
Deeply and slowly
As we breathe in, the tension in our muscles slightly increases
And as we breathe out, the tension in our bodies is released
So, as you gently deepen and lengthen that outbreath
Begin to experience a letting go
Relinquish any tension that you have been holding in your body
As you do this, set the intention to be happy and tranquil
Open you heart and mind
In doing this you activate the law of attraction
Bring your focus inward
Say clearly with purpose and conviction:
I am Happy (joyful, content)
I am Healthy
I am Secure
I am Tranquil
Now focus externally and bring to mind a loved one
Focus on your intention to wish this person who is sacred to you goodwill and wellbeing
Say clearly with purpose and conviction:
May you be Happy (joyful, content)
May you be Healthy
May you be Secure
May you be Tranquil
Now focus on a person who you know who does not invoke such strong feelings
This could be an acquaintance or a colleague
You do not know them well but you can wish them well
Say clearly with purpose and conviction:
May you be Happy (joyful, content)
May you be Healthy
May you be Secure
May you be Tranquil
Now turn your attention to a person with whom you have a difficult relationship
Someone who annoys you or whom you dislike
Thank the universe for the opportunity to reflect on what it is about this person that reflects something in your shadow. Be grateful for the chance to acknowledge those parts of yourself and thereby be whole. Thank the person for this gift to you
Say clearly with purpose and conviction:
May you be Happy (joyful, content)
May you be Healthy
May you be Secure
May you be Tranquil
To enhance the feelings of goodwill, try adding imagery to the mediation. See the person you are focused on filled with white light, vital and serene.
Sometimes in a loving kindness meditation, negative feelings can surface. Feelings of regret, melancholy, rage or sorrow. As with all meditations, allow those feelings to come to the surface and be heard, acknowledge them, and then gently bring your focus back to the intention of the mediation and the goodwill that you wish to convey.
Practise regular Metta Meditation and to reap its many benefits.